
I was enough yesterday. I am enough today. I will be enough tomorrow.

Jasmine Jordan

It’s been way too long. I know! Trust. But life has been a wave of emotions the last few months and I am honestly just starting to feel like Jasmine again as of a few weeks ago. Thank GOD for that! But I want you all to know today that it’s ok if everyday doesn’t feel amazing. I want you know that you are not alone if in some moments, you find yourself questioning your path, your purpose, your pain, your dreams, your desires, your self worth, your beauty and your future. Especially in this season. Some days I’ve woken up with the heaviest knot in my throat and stomach. Some days I’ve cried multiple times, triggered by the smallest things. Some days, I’ve had zero patience and then felt like a complete ass hole knowing my bad attitude is most felt by those I love the most and am closest to. Some days I have questioned EVERYTHING. I have questioned my growth, God’s plan for my life, my music, my career, my decisions…. the list goes on. I say all that not so that you pity me. I realize my life is blessed. I realize how good I have it compared to so many struggling in this world. But, I want you to know that in a lot of ways, we are more alike than you think. I want you to know that you are not alone in the silent wars you face with yourself. I want you to know that the awesome pictures on social media feeds are just one small part of the story. So today, I’m coming back to my blog community to share this piece of my truth with you and to let you all know that even in the midst of whatever stormy moments you may have/are dealing with, YOU ARE ENOUGH. I AM ENOUGH. And that’s a fact that nobody, no job, no failure can change! BLOOP! So let’s start this week off right. Below are a list of affirmations I’m saying to myself today, this week and throughout this pandemic. I hope it inspires you all to speak lovely things to yourselves and to keep pushing no matter how you FEEL today. There’s a light at the end of this tunnel. Believe it. Or keep saying it out loud until you do believe it. Now, say these with me and add to the list…..

I am enough in this pandemic.

I am enough even though productivity looks different in this season.

I am enough and that is NOT attached to the job I do/have.

I am enough regardless of my relationship status.

I am enough even with this pandemic weight gain.

I am enough on the days that I don’t get anything done off my to-do list.

I am enough even when I fall short.

I am enough no matter what the naysayers say. Their comments/opinions cannot and will not change me reaching my destiny.

I was enough yesterday. I’m enough today. I will be enough tomorrow.

I am enough in the midst of feeling heartbroken and disappointed.

I am enough even when other people don’t show up for me the way I hoped they would.

I am enough while blooming.

I am enough and my voice matters so I have to keep showing up.

I am enough through my own personal disappointments and failures.

I am enough and will remain committed to loving myself the best way I know how.




