
“I wholeheartedly believe that we were never meant to journey this life alone.”

Jasmine Jordan

Oh heyyyyyy! Happy Monday…again! This week, I want to quickly chat with you all about something that has come up during some of my personal deepos and in my own time of reflection. Along with the wave of emotions that have bombarded me since the Pandemic hit, came plenty of space to FEEL and then digest all those feels. One question I ask myself often is, “what is this season trying to teach me?” I challenge myself almost daily to dig beneath the surface and to remember that there is always a higher purpose. Now, I don’t think we always get the answer we’re looking for but in all my conversations, journaling, praying and thinking over the last couple months; I’ve come across these three lessons over and over again for what this season is teaching me.

  1. Community is critical. I’ve always been an advocate for relationship but right now more than ever, I realize how much we all need each other. And I’m not just talking about the more obvious support groups like family and best friends. I’ve had so many unexpected but needed connections with people online, strangers working at the stores I’ve visited, acquaintances that I haven’t been in contact with for years, people that I’ve never met in person. New friendships have been birthed from having honest conversations and just being open to sharing. So many of these conversations turned into beautiful lessons that reminded me that we have way more in common than we think. I’ve been poured into by the most unexpected people and been able to pour into other peoples’ lives thanks to vulnerability and just good ole’ direct communication. I wholeheartedly believe that we were never meant to journey this life alone. It’s wayyyyy too deep! Way too hard in certain moments. We need companionship to become our best versions. We are each other’s keepers. Corny?!? Well, I don’t care! LOL It’s true!!

  2. My new motto for the year has turned into: GIRL, YOU NEED TO BE PRESENT! Be PRESENT. Now, I’m not going to lie to you all and act as if I’ve mastered the art of being present. It is something that I’m working on….daily. It looks like me taking better inventory of my thoughts and getting active as soon as I’ve acknowledged that I’m either ONE- replaying the past like it’s my favorite home video or TWO- worrying about the what/how/when/where of my future. And when I say get active, I mean I talk to myself kindly, I pray, I call my lifelines, I go outdoors (THE SUN HAS BEEN HUGE), I turn on a good ass Netflix show, I read, I check in with my senses and what’s going on in the specific moment. I speak positivity over my own life and thank the Big Man for everything I have to be grateful for in my life already. Like I said, I’m working on it!

  3. God is the only true source I can depend on and be filled by. He’s the only One who can give peace especially in the midst of a chaotic time, who can renew joy in our lives, provide security and validation. So funny how quick we are to look for these things in people, jobs, dream careers, destinations and things…. I’m so guilty of seeking temporary satisfaction and clinging to it, ultimately causing more harm than good because none of those “things” were ever intended to make me whole. God is THAT dude and has truly reminded me how dependent I really am on Him. Whether I always acknowledge it or not. Leave it to a pandemic to remind us just how little control we really have. Make sure you’re surrendering to the right One.

Ok, why did I say this would be quick again?! LOL. YA'LL KNOW ME! AIN’T MUCH ABOUT ME QUICK! Especially when it comes to deepos! What have you learned this far in 2020? Any specific lesson stick out for you? Sound off in the comments.

You’re not alone! Remember that.

Oh, and PS: go watch BLACK IS KING! :)


Jasmine Jordan


